Policy / Civilization & Discontents

  1. NY passes US-first moratorium on reviving fossil fuel plants to mine crypto

    If signed by gov., bill would halt permits while state studies environmental impact.

  2. New York state passes first electronics right-to-repair bill

    Governor Hochul still has to sign the bill.

  3. Tim Hortons coffee app broke law by constantly recording users’ movements

    Canada says company misled users while collecting "vast amounts of location data."

  4. “Everything is gone”: Russian business hit hard by tech sanctions

    Export controls and sanctions have plunged Russia into technological crisis.

  5. Musk to Tesla and SpaceX workers: Be in the office 40 hours a week or quit

    Musk memo: "If you don't show up, we will assume you have resigned."

  6. Sorry, Texas: Supreme Court blocks law banning “censorship” on social media

    5-4 ruling halts law that bans social media moderation based on "viewpoint."

  7. The mystery of China’s sudden warnings about US hackers

    China has recently begun saber-rattling about American cyberespionage.

  8. Who owns 4chan?

    4chan's relationship with a Japanese toymaker has remained remarkably murky.

  9. Rethinking air conditioning amid climate change

    ACs and refrigerators help keep people safe—but they also further warm the planet.

  10. Are TikTok algorithms changing how people talk about suicide?

    Social media users have adopted terms like "unalive" to avoid platform censorship.

  11. GOP senators want to ban China’s digital currency from US apps and app stores

    Sen. Tom Cotton says China will use digital yuan to "spy on anyone who uses it."

  12. Lawsuit: Musk manipulated Twitter stock price in attempt to renegotiate sale

    Investor alleges Musk posted false tweets in scheme to kill deal or renegotiate price.

  1. Twitter pays $150M fine for using two-factor login details to target ads

    Twitter targeted ads with phone numbers and emails collected for security purposes.

  2. Google urged to stop collecting phone location data before Roe v. Wade reversal

    Lawmakers pressure Google on Android privacy after leak of Supreme Court ruling.

  3. Server hack yields harrowing images of life inside Chinese detention camps

    Leak is latest bright light shined on China's persecution of ethnic minorities.

  4. Judge: Tesla can’t force alleged sexual harassment victim into arbitration

    Tesla "ambushed" woman with one-sided arbitration agreement, judge writes.

  5. Mark Zuckerberg must pay for Cambridge Analytica data scandal, DC lawsuit says

    Zuckerberg and Facebook sold "as much access to users as possible," AG says.

  6. Judges block Florida law that says Facebook and Twitter can’t ban politicians

    Unlike Texas, Florida fails in attempt to overturn preliminary injunction.

  7. The same phone for 25 years? iFixit on right to repair’s remaining obstacles, hope

    iFixit CEO Kyle Wiens sits down with Ars to discuss the fight for the right to repair.

  8. Texas looks to a Clarence Thomas opinion to defend its social media law

    Thomas argued that social networks are like common carriers.

  9. Twitter deal leaves Elon Musk with no easy way out

    Strength of $44B agreement comes into focus as Musk appears to have second thoughts.

  10. Texas social media law will cause “chaos” online, Supreme Court is told

    Texas law blatantly violates First Amendment, many groups tell the Supreme Court.

  11. Shkreli released from prison to halfway house after serving <5 of 7 years

    His early release reflects good behavior and completion of rehabilitation programs.

  12. Twitter board tells Elon Musk: We will not alter the deal

    Board vows to enforce $44 billion agreement despite Musk's waffling and complaints.

  1. Musk says Twitter must show data behind spam estimate or he’ll kill the deal

    Musk replied to Twitter CEO's spam explanation with criticism and a poop emoji.

  2. Supreme Court urged to block “shocking” reinstatement of Texas social media law

    In emergency brief, Big Tech protests one-sentence order that revived Texas law.

  3. Social media sites work to limit spread of Buffalo shooting footage

    Twitch says livestream of attack was taken down in "less than two minutes."

  4. Musk says Twitter deal “on hold” over concern about number of spam accounts

    Musk "still committed" to purchase amid talk he could back out or renegotiate.

  5. Bitcoin plunges to lowest price since 2020 amid broader sell-off

    The "stablecoin" tether briefly lost its peg to the dollar on Thursday morning.

  6. “Radical” ruling lets Texas ban social media moderation based on “viewpoint”

    5th Circuit reinstates Texas law that was previously found to violate 1st Amendment.

  7. El Salvador buys more bitcoin after ratings agency downgrades its debt

    Meanwhile, the leading algorithmic "stablecoin" has broken its peg to the dollar.

  8. “War upon end-to-end encryption”: EU wants Big Tech to scan private messages

    Services may have to scan encrypted messages for child abuse images and grooming.

  9. Elon Musk says Twitter banning Trump was “morally wrong and flat-out stupid”

    Musk confirms he would reverse Trump's Twitter ban if he completes acquisition.

  10. Why our continued use of fossil fuels is creating a financial time bomb

    We're investing in things that will have little value if we move off fossil fuels.

  11. Biden praises ISPs for price cuts even as they “sabotage” his FCC nominee

    Voluntary commitments from Comcast and others did not impress consumer groups.

  12. Tesla sues thermal engineer for allegedly stealing secrets of “Dojo” supercomputer

    "Dojo" supercomputer will train neural networks that power self-driving software.